List of ecmascript engines

Name/URL standard supported OSes, processor architectures, virtual platforms jit, processor architectures features products, which uses notes
V8 es5 windows/unix, .NET x86/x64/arm/mips fns inlining(only for bottlenecks), dead code removal, own stacktrace api, debugger statement Node.js, Google Chrome, akshell
jscript es3 windows/unix, x86/sparc no integration with ActiveX and VBScript, good msscript debugger Windows Script Host, IE8-
jscript.NET es3 .NET no integration with ActiveX, .NET CLR, build-in class paradigm, optional typing, import/export, strict compiler(check types, method existing, count of fn args etc)
Chakra es5 windows 7, x86/x64/arm x86/x64/arm dead code removal Internet Exporer 9+
SpiderMonkey es5, part of es6(Proxy) windows/unix x86/x64/arm/mips/powerpc/sparc/sh4 own extensions(import/export, yield, let, fn shortcut, object destruct), E4X(direct xml in code and easy manipulations) engine of all products of Mozilla/Netscape, SpiderNode, Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Flash Professional, Adobe Dreamweaver, Ultima Online, CouchDB, MongoDB, ELinks force of features invention for JS
Rhino es5 java compiled code - yes, eval/new Function - not integration with java platform, E4X, debugger ringojs, narwhaljs, Sun's lively kernel
Nashorn es5 java yes javax.script (JSR 223) support made as replacement of Rhino due speed, currently without back compatibility
Narcissus es5, part of es6(module pattern) same as host engine no(js interpretor is written using js) experimental "engine" for TC39 for testing new es6 features
Nitro/JavaScriptCore/SquirrelFish/KJS es5 windows/unix x86/x64/arm/mips/sh4 + llvm Apple's Safari, WebKit internal engine
V4 es5 unix/windows x86/x64/arm debugger statement QT framework
Futhark/Linear B/Linear A es3 windows/unix no Futhark only: [a, b] = [1, 2], 'x' and 'y' regexp's flags Opera web browser
Carakan part of es5* windows/unix x86(sse2+)/x64/arm Opera web browser *w/o Object's methods, Function#bind and strict mode
inscript es3 macos no iCab web browser, early WebKit
RemObjects Script es3 .NET
IronJS es3 .NET no
jurassic es5 .NET yes
tamarin es4 windows/unix x86 good dev tools from Adobe Flash platform, Mozilla/Netscape products
jint most of es3 .NET no
ecmascript-net es3 .NET no tail call optimization port of Rhino to .NET
dmdscript es3 windows/unix no goto statement
Higgs es3 +Map/Set -with unix x64 C ffi
Duktape es5 any no coroutines embedded
besen es5 windows/unix x86/x64 Dead code elimination, Type inference author's games
simple script engine es3 windows/unix no region based mem allocation hv3 web browser
for contribution - ask bga_